Wednesday, July 23, 2014

ChelanMan Olympic triathlon

Despite the 200,000 + acres that are on fire in central Washington 800+ people managed to gather on the shores of Lake Chelan for a fun filled multisport event of running and triathloning known as the CHELANMAN.  

I am not sure that I can tell you if it was nervousness or excitement that I had been feeling the week up to the race; most likely it was mostly  nerves though I was excited to race again. It had been six weeks since I donned my tri-suit and competed.  For most people that six weeks may not seem long however for myself it allowed me to much time to think and over evaluate.  That being said with a mix of uncertainty,  nerves, and excitement I lined up with the other age groupers and waited for the gun to go off.

Brandon and I arrived in Chelan plenty early the night before, as I needed to check in and wanted time to done my wet suit and hop in the water, only to be blessed with screaming winds ripping across the lake.  Despite the white caps rolling in onto shore I shoved myself into my wet suit, tearing a hole in it in the process, and took off for a planned 3/4 mile light swim.  The waves were HUGE.  I am pretty sure I spent more time trying riding the waves than I did swimming.  When one actually broke on top of me, causing me to roll just a little more than enjoyable I decided it was time to turn around--turning 3/4 miles into around 1/4 miles.


The 5:00 am wake up call came quickly and while on a normal training day I have a hard time getting myself out of bed at that obscene hour race day is something different.  Having racked my bike the night before made it a much faster process getting all the gear packed into the car to head for the race. As we were  not coming back to the room before golfing after the race, yes we played (or rather Brandon and my parents played--I drove the cart) 18 holes of golf after the race, I had to make sure I had everything for the entire day.  


This was one of the most physical swims I had ever been in.  I am not sure what was in the water but apparently it made for some strong attitude.  Sandwiched between two people I had no choice but to take a beating from the competitor to my left who did not enjoy me being right there.  Finally I was able to maneuver myself a little further ahead and away from swinging arms.  While one of the easiest swims, as the water had calmed down and the water was crystal clear it sure felt like one of the longest.  Despite that I came out of the water in my best positioning to date and I believe one of my fastest times (though that is not something for me to brag about).  

Props to Brandon  Bowker for his awesome photography skills

One thing I love about triathlons is the setting they are usually in, and Lake Chelan fits the bid.  The pristine lake backed up against the hills made for a gorgeous setting and a perfect place for a bike ride.  The course took us right along the southern edge of the lake for an out and back that boasted some decent hills and flat sections.  At one point I glanced over my right shoulder and was astounded by the beauty that I was surround by; realized how blessed I was to even have a chance to race in places like this.

 With an average rate of 21 mph it was not one of my fastest bikes ever though I sure felt like I was pushing harder than I had pushed in a while.  As per usual I came out of the swim fairly far back place wise and took off in the bike with the goal of picking people off one by one.  I believe I went from the 15th woman to the 8th woman (however in the end the wave start messed up my placing) by the time the 26 miles were over.  

This ride made me realize that I have some serious work to put in on the bike, as I can push hard through around 20 miles and then those last six miles I often get dropped by the people I am chasing. 

Coming down the finish line


Now it was time to do what I do best, RUN!   This is always my favorite part of the race.  As I take off out of transition there is something in me that gets all excited, or as my good friend Cathy likes to put it where "bitches go down".  Apparently at one of my more frustrating races I got this look on my face as I took off on the run that, in her opinion, was a look of "everyone get out of my way I am coming for you!" or rather "time to take some bitches down".  It is true though there is something about pulling out of transition on the run that flips a switch in me; it is my time, it is where it becomes my race and where no one can get in my way.  I guess in saying that excited is not the right word but rather something in me becomes fierce and even more hard than I often can already be.

This run started out fantastic, with around a mile long hill!!! Who doesn't love that?! Luckily it wasn't a steep hill but rather a very very long incline and I was able to keep my average pace of just under 7:00 min/mile.  To bring me through the finish line 1st in my age group by about 20 minutes and 7th overall out of all the women--not a bad day.  

Post race recap--what I need to work on

Transitions: I have yet to master the art of moving quickly through transition.  I am notoriously 30 to 60 seconds slower than the top women.

Maintaining pace during the bike:  While I can maintain for the first 20 miles I always lose it during the last little bit costing me a lot of time and place.

Swim: This is an easy one I just need to get a little faster.  Swimming will never be my best leg however I sure could make it stronger.

What's your favorite portion of a race?  Do you have an area that needs more work?
Any tips for fixing some of my week spots?

Bear Mountain Golf Course
For those of you who do not know my family we are a little bit crazy.  Most people after participating in a race of any sort go out to eat, go get drinks (maybe even one too many), and/or go home and lay on the couch.  My family does things a little differently.  After my race we hung around for awards than went to Starbucks so that I could clean up in the sink (Yes I did wash my hair in the Starbucks sink), grab a coffee and drove out to Bear Mountain Golf Course for our 2:30 tee time.  Yes this may seem a little nuts but let me tell you I wouldn't change it for the world.  

Brandon and I hanging out on the green

My family more often than not gets up at the crack of dawn and drives many many hours just to support me racing, the least I can do is go golfing with them in the afternoon.  If anything the views from the golf course made it 100% worth it.  Bear Mountain Golf Course is something special, with unique holes, wondrous views, little baby deer prancing around on the edges, and in our case 50 mph gusts of wind.  

With a great another great weekend, full of fun, family, memories, and a little bit of hardware, in the books I am putting my sites towards Nationals in three weeks.  Three weeks to fix any issues I have and get ready to lay it all out on the line in Milwaukee!

What has been your favorite race so far this season? Do you have any big ones coming up in the near future?  Let me know about them I would love to hear about your accomplishments!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ten day "You" Challenge: Nine Loves

Happy Friday Everyone!!!  It's supposed to be a hot one here in the Pacific Northwest; hope everyone has fun plans to beat the heat.  We are headed to Lake Chelan as I will be competing in the Olympic distance ChelanMan Triathlon.  While it is not really beating the heat, or the smoke for that matter as Washington seems to be on fire right now, I am looking forward to racing again since it as been six weeks since the last one.  Actually looking forward to it might be an understatement.  Training has been a little lax the last couple weeks, with a week long trip to Mexico, quick weekend jaunt to Hood River, starting a new job, and just life in general. But that is the way it is when you are training and trying to maintain a resemblance of a social life; I shouldn't complain as I have it pretty darn good. :) 

As promised here is this week's challenge; nine loves.  As there are many more than just nine these are nine of the ones that stand out and/or have made a huge impact in my life. 

1. Running.  I love to run.  It is my escape, my safety, and my release.  There have been more times than not where a run has brought me back from whatever darkness was threatening to overrun me.  It's the feel of the pavement or trail beneath every footstep, tingle of oxygen pumping through your body, even the tightness in your chest as you breath earth's atmosphere in and out that nothing can compare to.  Its emotionally, mentally, physically, soul cleansing and I LOVE IT!! :)

2. I know that it was mentioned last week in my ten secrets but it can't be left out here either; reading.  I love to read.  Stick me in a bookstore or library and I could get lost for hours.

3. The home that I grew up in.  Some may say it is to far out there, to secluded, but for me it's perfect.  Up in the hills and woods of Hood River with Mt. Hood casting its brilliant shadow over the valley I couldn't ask for anything else.  When all the lights go out for the evening the stars dance brightly in the sky and the crickets sing their nightly song providing a calm sense of peace that is hard to find.  
View of Mt. Hood and the upper valley from the deck at my parents house
4. Please forgive the materialistic statement I am about to make but I do have to say that I love my new car.  On Tuesday this week Brandon and I went out to the subaru dealer just to look.... four hours later we were driving away with a beauty of a 2014 Subaru Crosstrek.  This is my first new car EVER and the first one that I personally bought myself.  I love everything about it, but especially  love the feeling of accomplishment and pride I have for having bought it on my own.

5.  Triathlon and training.  At the time I had been going through some "stuff" and was starting to wonder if I would ever "feel" again so while I said I was doing this as a way to see how much I could physically push myself I believe deep down it was a way to see I how much, or if, I could feel again.  About 45 minutes into the race everything changed: a smile broke out over my face, I could feel it all the way down to my toes--almost like the chills you get when something wonderful crosses your path and guess what I did feel.  I felt everything!  To this day I can't tell you exactly what it was but let me tell you it was fantastic.
Bike and gear I used for my first triathlon
6. My crazy, and amazing family. I have the most amazing, though slightly crazy, family in the whole world.  Their love and support has shaped me to be who I am today I know with every fiber of my being I could not have accomplished anything I have without them.

7. My amazingly wonderful boyfriend. Yes, the last two have been a little sappy but I can't talk about my loves without mentioning my family (above) and my fantastic boyfriend Brandon.  When he walked into my clinic for the first time I was kind of in limbo; unsure of what I wanted to do, hating my apartment, and just a little bit cynical.  His support, love, faith, and all around zest for life reassured my love of life and the beauty that surrounds it.
Hiding in the trees at Manito Park

8. Summer. It is hard to compete with summers in the Pacific Northwest.  Temperatures ranging from the 80s to the 100s the sun rarely stops shining.  With the sun constantly beaming its golden rays down on us people's attitude seems to improve and smiles tend to be more frequent.  Hiking, biking, golfing, running, boating, laying out in a hammock in the yard, or sitting by one of the many lakes that the PNW has to offer it is wonderful time of year.

Mom killing it on the golf course

9. My girlfriends. I may not have a gaggle of best girlfriends, or in reality even that many close friends, but I do have a couple really close girlfriends who I have been blessed to label so.  Despite all living many many miles apart we still keep in contact every week even if it is just to say "Hey! How was the week?" really quick.  These are the girls that even though we may not see each other very often when we do get together it is as though no time has passed.  I love these girls very much and so thankful they are in my life.

Thank you for letting me share my loves with you. These are some of the nine most important aspects of my life and I am proud to say I love them.

What are some of your loves? I would love to hear what makes your heart beat a little bit faster, or puts a smile on your face!!

Stay tuned for a recap of the ChelanMan Olympic Triathlon: pray we don't get burned out!! :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Ten Day You Challenge: My Secrets

While searching the blogging world one day trying to gain inspiration not only for an article but myself as well, I came across Glitter and Dust inspired by Kristen.  Upon discovering she was a fellow Oregonian, myself growing up in Hood River, and a fellow triathlete I was drawn to her story.  One of her most recent articles was the beginning of a challenge, The Ten Day You Challenge, and I instantly thought this is brilliant!  What a fun way for others to get to know you a little more, and maybe for myself to discover a deeper meaning to whom I really am.   That being discovered I will now be joining Kristen in posting, as regularly as possible, a little something besides training, triathlons, and exercise.   

Day one: My Secrets

1. I love to read. I can sit down in get lost in a book for hours.  Growing up we lived 20-30 minutes outside of town so when I would have off-site during high school it was pointless for me to go home just to turn around and come back down for after school athletics; so I would go to the library pick a book off the shelf open it up and start reading. There is something calming about opening up a book and taking a deep breath of their pages.

2. My younger sister is one of my biggest inspirations and motivators.  She is so strong, independent, and beautiful.  I strive every day to be as strong as she is.
3. I despise wearing jeans.  If I could do everything in work out clothes, yoga pants, and sports bras I would be one happy camper. :) 

4. I used to despise riding bikes.  My mom would always ask me to go on rides with her and I complained the entire time, usually I wanted to stay home and finished whatever book I had my nose smashed into.  I chalk it up to having fallen off one to many times when I was a kid.  Luckily as I grew up that changed and have now fallen head over heels with road biking (good thing too as that is one of the longest sections of a triathlon).  

5.  The Food Network is my favorite channel. Whenever I get a chance to control the remote that is all I watch.  

6. Skiing is my favorite hobby (though running comes in a VERY CLOSE second).  Even though ski boots are extraordinarily uncomfortable I never feel more at peace than I do when stepping foot in the mountains. And if it is in the middle of a snow storm it is all the better.

7. Up until high school, maybe even college, I had an extreme fear of staying the night at other people's house.  Sleep over, unless at my parents place, were a no go.  Thank goodness for my fabulous parents who with stood my constant calling to have them come pick me up.

8. The best part of my day is going to the gym with my hugely supportive boyfriend.  Despite the fact that our routines are completely different, we often won't talk to each other for the two hours we are there, nothing makes me more happy than our daily gym session.

9. I prefer quiet night in much more than a rowdy social gathering any time.  Don't get me wrong I love getting together with friends, and saying no to happy hour is never fun;  but between work, training, and life spending time with my boyfriend, looking a pictures, and relaxing on the couch is par to none.

10. My family is my everything.  I am more than blessed to have a mother, father, sister, and boyfriend who's constant love, faith, and support keeps me going every day.  I love them more than anything and look forward to every day I get to spend and/or talk with them.


Thank you for letting me share "my secrets" with you.
I would love to hear ten things about you!!

Stay tuned next week for "my nine loves" and recap of the Chelan Man Olympic distance triathlon