Day one: My Secrets
1. I love to read. I can sit down in get lost in a book for hours. Growing up we lived 20-30 minutes outside of town so when I would have off-site during high school it was pointless for me to go home just to turn around and come back down for after school athletics; so I would go to the library pick a book off the shelf open it up and start reading. There is something calming about opening up a book and taking a deep breath of their pages.
2. My younger sister is one of my biggest inspirations and motivators. She is so strong, independent, and beautiful. I strive every day to be as strong as she is.
3. I despise wearing jeans. If I could do everything in work out clothes, yoga pants, and sports bras I would be one happy camper. :)
4. I used to despise riding bikes. My mom would always ask me to go on rides with her and I complained the entire time, usually I wanted to stay home and finished whatever book I had my nose smashed into. I chalk it up to having fallen off one to many times when I was a kid. Luckily as I grew up that changed and have now fallen head over heels with road biking (good thing too as that is one of the longest sections of a triathlon).
5. The Food Network is my favorite channel. Whenever I get a chance to control the remote that is all I watch.
6. Skiing is my favorite hobby (though running comes in a VERY CLOSE second). Even though ski boots are extraordinarily uncomfortable I never feel more at peace than I do when stepping foot in the mountains. And if it is in the middle of a snow storm it is all the better.
7. Up until high school, maybe even college, I had an extreme fear of staying the night at other people's house. Sleep over, unless at my parents place, were a no go. Thank goodness for my fabulous parents who with stood my constant calling to have them come pick me up.
8. The best part of my day is going to the gym with my hugely supportive boyfriend. Despite the fact that our routines are completely different, we often won't talk to each other for the two hours we are there, nothing makes me more happy than our daily gym session.
9. I prefer quiet night in much more than a rowdy social gathering any time. Don't get me wrong I love getting together with friends, and saying no to happy hour is never fun; but between work, training, and life spending time with my boyfriend, looking a pictures, and relaxing on the couch is par to none.
10. My family is my everything. I am more than blessed to have a mother, father, sister, and boyfriend who's constant love, faith, and support keeps me going every day. I love them more than anything and look forward to every day I get to spend and/or talk with them.

Thank you for letting me share "my secrets" with you.
I would love to hear ten things about you!!
Stay tuned next week for "my nine loves" and recap of the Chelan Man Olympic distance triathlon
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