Thursday, October 9, 2014

Maintaining Your Goals

The fall season is officially upon those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest; and while we have been blessed with a beautiful fall season the sun does take longer to great us in the morning and says good night much much earlier.  For myself this means my motivation begins to follow the suns lifestyle and begins to diminish along with the amount of light we receive through out the day. Following right along with the motivation goes my goals and sometimes even my belief that I can accomplish them.

This morning while preparing myself for the work day and accomplishing my usual social media viewing I came across a quote by Jordan Belfort the author of The Wolf of Wall Street that struck a cord deep within me:
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it"
It is easy to make up an excuse as to why you cannot do something; much easier than actually doing it.  We've all been there.  We have all said "oh its too dark to go for that run", or "going back to school is too expensive I can't do it" with the key note excuses of "I just don't have the time", "that costs to much money", or "I am just not good enough to do that". What many of us forget is that these are just hurdles or as Jordan Belfort calls it "a bullshit story" that can very easily be over come if you are willing to take the chance.

Goals do take work.  They take time, effort, money, strength, and sometimes even tears to accomplish but that is the point of a goal.  It is a marker or a dream to something bigger and better.  Goals are important as they keep you focuses and dedicated.  Yet it can be easy to loose sight of those goals.  When you do feel yourself loosing the sight or always having a story as to why not, remember that you are the only person that can affect change.  You are in the drivers seat and it is up to you to move past those stories and find the belief in yourself to accomplish your dreams.  

This morning Jordan Belfort reminded me to continuing pursuing my goals and for me that means not giving up on setting them.  For myself to always strive for something new and to continue believing in myself that I can accomplish what I have set out to do.  To believe in the strength that resides within; through that belief you will find a way to continue pushing forward and realize that those stories are not as exciting as the ones you obtain from accomplishing your goals.

My goal for this month is to complete my first marathon and push towards qualifying for Boston. 
What are some goals you have set for yourself? Do you have a dream for someday? 

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