Believe it or not summer is right around the corner, and if you are anything like me when the sun is out I want to spend every minute soaking up all that Vitamin D. However, it takes a lot of extra energy to get out there and enjoy everything summer has to offer.
As each passing day brings those wonderful summer months closer many of you may be starting to ponder getting yourself to the gym, or lacing up those rusty tennis shoes and hitting the pavement for some good old fashioned running. Yet as the day drags on with
work, kids, family, school, or etc it becomes harder and harder to motivate for that hour or more that most people feel they need to get themselves into shape for summer activities. Well, you are in luck!!! No longer do you need to spend hours at the gym, its called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and all you need is 20 minutes to HIIT it and Quit It!
High Intensity Interval Training is a training technique that alternates brief speed and recovery in order to increase the intensity of your workout. These workouts are awesome because not only have studies shown that they speed up your metabolism which helps to burn more fat but they are extremely versatile and can be applied to any form of exercise.
So how does this popular training technique work? The human body functions under two different energy systems; anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic energy system allows us to preform activity in short intense bursts where as the aerobic system is the exact opposite allowing us to perform activity for longer period of time as it uses oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fat for energy. The issue with most workouts is that they target one of these systems over the other, so enter HIIT. By combining the short very intense bursts of exercise with periods of lower intensity your body basically "freaks out"forcing it to adapt and creates a metabolic demand that is fantastic for long-term fat loss while still maintaining lean body mass.(
Examples of HIIT workouts:
- Body weight circuits
- Weighted circuits
- Aerobic circuites (ie. treadmill, running, elliptical, and stationary bicycling)
- Cross fit
- Insanity workouts
Here's the beauty of these workouts: it can be any combination you desire, as well as anywhere you wish. The key to these workouts is to keep your heart rate high, in others words be prepared to push your limit. By keeping your heart rate up you basically speed up your body causing it to burn more calories and blast that pesky fat we all dislike while reducing the risk of injury that can occur from spending hours at the gym.

How do you get started with HIIT? Very simple; clear some space on your living room floor, lace up your tennis shoes, blast some music, and get ready to sweat. A great example of HIIT is the 7-minute workout seen on the left hand side ( Preform each of the exercises in sequential order for 30 seconds followed by a 10 second rest and you can repeat as many times as you want to get the most out of your workout. However, just performing the 7-minute HIIT workout is enough to increase you metabolism by activating both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems giving you the little boost you need to start preparing for summer.
If you are new to HIIT I recommend opting for shorter high intensity periods and a little longer rest period in order to prevent any injuries until your body has adapted to this new form of training. Once you have become a HIIT veteran you can begin to vary the length of your intervals, both high and low, as well as the style of type of HIIT circuit you preform.

So remember the next time you are dragging your feet after work, that summer is on its way and it can only take seven minutes to HIIT it and Quit it for an amazing workout that will leave you energized and ready to get out there and try something new. Good luck, have fun, and never forget to strive for greatness!!
If you have any further questions of where to go with starting a HIIT program, or anything else in regards to getting out there and enjoying a healthy and active you can contact me at
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